About the NTNU TELL Laboratory
As a National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Research Laboratory, the NTNU Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) Laboratory conducts research on using technology effectively in education, aiming at improving the use of state-of-the-art technologies for teaching and learning. The Lab was founded in 2009 by Professor 籃玉如(Yu-Ju LAN), who is currently a Professor at the Department of Chinese as a Second Language at NTNU. The NTNU TELL Lab consists of a group of hardworking and talented research assistants and graduate students united by a common interest in language teaching. Due to the nature of the group, daily business is conducted both in Mandarin Chinese and English.
Currently, the areas that constitute the core of the work performed at the NTNU TELL Laboratory are virtual realities and mobile learning. Research at the Laboratory includes projects in SecondLife, MyWordTools, CoolChinese and M-learning. The Laboratory takes projects from the initial concept stage, through design, data collection and finally to research conferences and international SSCI journal publications.
The NTNU TELL Laboratory projects involve cooperation with domestic and international research institutions. The Laboratory is divided into groups of work: research, teaching and administration. While each division has specific tasks, the Laboratory's research-oriented work involves all members aiming for collaborations, helping each project to succeed.