• Omni-Immersion Vision


  • Foreign Language Acquisition
    社會互動 . 合作任務 . 創新教學設計
  • 3D Virtual Reality
    真實性生活化 . 主動式沉浸經驗 . 擬真情境
  • Learning in a FLOW State
    沉浸 . 互動 . 想像


2015 International Workshop on Learning Analytics, Technology Adoption

2016-12-03 23:51:50



The Top University Project Office of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) will organize a 2-day workshop, as titled above to provide new insights into the trends of learning analytics, pedagogical technology adoption, and technology enhanced language learning in the era of big data.

The workshop will provide researchers and educators with a platform for brainstorming some ideas of how and what kind of mechanisms would be highly innovative and effective in practical applications of learning analytics, acceleration of technology adoption in education, and learning modes of language acquisition in the big-data era. Our previously organized workshops, focusing on virtual worlds enhancing language learning and pedagogical application back in years 2012 and 2014, in Taipei, Taiwan, have gained much resonance. We ensured that a platform we set up these years have already provided a useful and interactive way in the short term. However, to achieve a better understanding and the effectiveness in the fast-pace and big-data era, we believe there are topics that could be discussed further and solutions to be explored in the long run.

DREAM BIG. This is the reason why we hope to gather scholars and experienced professionals in this coming passion-driven workshop in June. All the researchers and educators of language learning, e-learning, and learning analytics are very welcome to join us. We are sure it will be a fruitful harvest.

Important dates

  • Submissions of initial papers due: March 31, 2015
  • Aceptance notifications: April 10, 2015
  • Early Bird Registration: April 30, 2015
  • Final version deadline: April 30, 2015
  • LATALL2015 Workshop: June 23-24, 2015

Topics of Interest

Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Learning Analytics in pedagogical application
  • Learning process analytics
  • Social network analytics
  • Learning analytics in ubiquitous learning
  • Learning analytics in e-learning and blended learning
  • Prediction, personalization & adaption, intervention, information visualization
  • Technology adoption
  • The trends featured in technology adoption in education
  • K-12, higher education, life-long learning, formal/informal learning
  • Social Media for education
  • E-learning, Open courseware, MOOCs
  • Technology-enhanced language learning
  • Technology-enhanced language skills
  • Platform/system development and evaluation for language learning
  • Modalities for language learning: e-learning and blended learning
  • Augmented/virtual reality and language learning
  • Gesture-based language learning
  • Game-based language learning
  • Ubiquitous language learning

Submission Information

The anticipated types of submissions for the workshop are:

  • Full paper: 5 pages
  • Short paper: 3 pages

Please submit your manuscript using the EasyChair Conference System via this URL: EasyChair.

If you have any inquires, please contact us at latall2015@deps.ntnu.edu.tw

Authors are required to follow the Template that can be found here: MS Word Document and PDF.


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